Technically, the seeds are allowed however apples are rarely consumed on a keto diet.
Fruit tends to be avoided due to the high carb, and sugar content so on a traditional keto diet, apples are not usually consumed.
Apple seeds do not tend to be eaten alone, so it is rare they will be eaten on a keto diet.
The popular saying ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away is not adhered to on a keto diet.
The keto diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein, and low-carb diet. A keto diet is followed in order to put the body in a state known as ketosis.
When the body is in ketosis, it is able to burn fat more efficiently.
This state also burns fat into ketones in the liver, which is then able to provide energy for the brain.
A keto diet has also been shown to reduce blood sugar and insulin levels.
There are various types of ketogenic diets, including standard, cyclical, and targeted keto diets.
Only the standard and high protein keto diets have been studied well.
Other ways to enter the ketosis state include intermittent fasting.
This is sometimes combined with a keto diet in order to enter the state of ketosis faster.
Followers of the keto diet will often use tests to measure the number of ketones the body has produced.
There are some symptoms that provide an indication that the body has entered ketosis, these include, frequent urination, dry mouth, and a decreased appetite.
On a diet, almost all fruit is avoided aside from limited portions of berries.
Fruit is generally considered to be a healthy food however on a keto diet the carb and sugar content of fruit takes the body out of ketosis.
On a traditional keto diet, carbohydrate intake is generally around 50 grams a day.
One apple contains around 14 grams, this can quickly eat into the daily carb amount.
Berries such as strawberries are allowed for the most part due to the fact that they are fairly low in carbs.
The seeds of apples are technically keto-friendly as they do not contain high levels of carbs or sugar.
Although, it is unlikely they would be consumed without being eaten with the apple itself.
Are apple seeds good or bad?
Apple seeds contain amygdalin, which turns into cyanide when ingested.
In large amounts, they can be toxic, in small amounts they are harmless.
Apple seeds along with other fruits such as plums, peaches, and cherries have a naturally occurring compound within the seed or pit.
This compound turns into hydrogen cyanide when ingested as it mixes with an enzyme in the body.
For most people, thus cyanide is harmlessly removed from the body.
Although if large amounts of apple seeds are consumed, this could lead to ill effects in the body.
Cyanide prevents the cells in the body from receiving oxygen which leads to the cells being damaged.
Without oxygen, the cells cannot survive.
The amount of damage depends on how much exposure there has been.
Symptoms of cyanide poisoning include but are not limited to headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, and vomiting.
Although these symptoms do not necessarily mean you are experiencing cyanide poisoning, if you have eaten a large number of apple seeds, you should be aware this is a big possibility.
There are not a whole lot of studies or research which illustrate the benefits of apple seeds.
However, some studies have demonstrated that these seeds are a good source of bacteria.
This is great for your gut health as the gut needs good bacteria in order to thrive.
As great as this is, it does not quite balance out the potential ill effects of cyanide toxicity.
In small amounts, however, the amygdalin does not cause any harm and the body can still benefit from the bacteria contained in the apple seeds.
Is it OK to eat the core of an apple?
The core of the apple contains the seeds, which are generally around 5 seeds per core.
This amount of seeds would not cause much harm to the body.
If you eat apples here and there, eating the core would not cause any danger although compared to the rest of the apple it may not be as delicious and enjoyable to eat as it is not quite as smooth.
Apples contain a ton of health benefits including fiber and flavonoids.
Dietary fiber is necessary for healthy digestion.
Fiber feeds the good bacteria in the gut which helps the body to digest food a lot better.
Adequate fiber also helps to reduce spikes in blood sugar following a carb-heavy meal.
There are two types of dietary fiber, soluble, and insoluble which are both in apples.
The soluble fiber in apples is contained in the pectin of the fruit.
Apple pectin is sometimes taken as a supplement to aid the body’s digestion.
But this may cause digestive distress to some people if they do not usually consume enough fiber.
Soluble fiber turns gel-like in the intestines and is able to stick to cholesterol and excrete it from the body.
This good gut bacteria exists in the entire fruit, including the stem, and seeds.
One study found that a single apple has around 100 million bacterial cells, but if you don’t eat the core, you only consume around 10 million bacterial cells.
This study also illustrated that organic apples have a more diverse range of bacteria than conventionally grown apples.
A diverse gut microbiome is important for several bodily functions.
This includes the regulation of our immune system, and the production of vitamin K, and vitamin B12.
Are apple cores digestible?
Although conventionally, the cores of the apple are generally avoided.
The core of the apple is indeed digestible.
Many people may opt to eat the core in order to reduce food waste, as the core is both edible, and digestible.
As mentioned above there is a slight risk, but this will only occur if you consume the core regularly.
It can sometimes be difficult for the body to digest apples due to the fiber content.
This is because consuming large amounts of fiber quickly without enough water can lead to digestive problems.
If you suffer from a disease that affects the intensities, eating apples can make this worse due to the high amounts of fiber.
The core is included in this, and if you can easily consume, and digest apples, you could probably eat the core as well. That is as long as apples do not cause any major problems with your digestion.
If you find that to be the case, this is probably down to the fact that your body is not used to eating that much fiber so quickly.
Slow down, and introduce it into your diet, and ensure your water intake is enough to deal with the amount of fiber you are eating.
Why do I poop after eating an apple?
This is down to the high-fibre continent in apples.
The fiber adds bulk to stools which means that the body will excrete waste fairly quickly, especially if you have not consumed a lot of fibre prior.
Apples contain substances that aid you to pass firmer stools.
The fiber in apples helps to add bulk to stools which means your body may quickly expel waste from your body.
When a diet is low in fiber, stools may be more watery or loose.
A diet that is higher in fat, could lead to stools that are hard to pass.
Foods that contain high-fiber such as apples, help partly digested foods bind together as it travels to the colon.
Fiber is also able to attract water to the stool which makes the stool moister, which helps it to pass through comfortably.
Apples contain both soluble, and insoluble fiber which is both necessary and important in a diet in order to contribute to a healthy digestive process.
Some individuals have conditions that mean they cannot consume high-fiber foods, this includes whole apples.
People who have Crohn’s for instance might notice a negative effect on their bowel movements after eating apples.
This is due to the gut lining becoming irritated.
Apple seeds are technically allowed on a keto diet as they do not contradict keto principles, however, apples are not generally keto-friendly.
On a keto diet, high sugar, and high carb foods are avoided.
In small amounts, apple seeds are fairly harmless although in larger amounts they can cause ill effects due to the amygdalin which can turn into hydrogen cyanide once ingested.
The side effects of cyanide toxicity can include nausea, vomiting, and weakness.
If you consume apples often, take extra care to not consume too many apple seeds.
Some people do eat the core as well, as it is digestible and edible.
Much of the health benefits from apples are contained in the core.
When eating apples, bear in mind both the good and bad effects of eating the core as it includes the seeds.
If you eat apples occasionally, no harm will come to you if you eat the core as well.
You may prefer to eat it as it reduces food waste.
The high fiber content of apples can improve digestion but if you do not regularly consume fiber or you consume it without enough water, it can cause digestive distress.
Apples contain both dietary fibers, soluble, and insoluble fiber which is why you might find that you poop after eating an apple.
I’m Chris Watson & the Founder of I’m a food and wellbeing enthusiast researching and sharing foodstuffs and simple food-based concepts, such as fasting and clean eating.
I hope it inspires you to make tiny changes to what you eat and when you eat while optimizing your healthspan and all-around well-being.
Read more About Me here.