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Animal product

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**Animal By-products in Food and Products:**
– Slaughterhouse waste includes animal body parts from carcass preparation.
– By-products like animal feet, livers, lungs, heads, and spleens are used in pet food.
– Gelatin, isinglass, insects, and emu oil are common animal by-products in various products.
– Carmine, derived from crushed cochineal beetles, is used as a food coloring in products like juice, candy, and yogurt.
– Additives like carmine are controversial and considered allergens.

**Environmental Impact of Animal Agriculture:**
– Meat production has tripled, dairy doubled, and egg production quadrupled in the past 50 years.
– Livestock production requires large land areas and contributes to habitat destruction.
– Livestock produce greenhouse gases like methane and nitrous oxide.
– Animal agriculture is a primary driver of climate change, biodiversity loss, and species extinction.
– Livestock’s water footprint and the destruction of animal-feed crops are significant environmental concerns.

**Animal Welfare and Ethics:**
– Concern for farm animal welfare has increased, with established standards and laws worldwide.
– Measures of animal welfare include longevity, behavior, and freedom from disease.
– Temple Grandin’s views on animal welfare and the impact on the livestock industry are notable.
– Various definitions and measurements of animal welfare are considered in the context of animal science.
– Ethical considerations, such as those discussed in ‘The Case for Animal Rights’ by T. Regan, are essential in the discussion.

**Meat Consumption and Production Practices:**
– Meat consumption has nearly doubled worldwide, impacting the environment significantly.
– Animal agriculture drives climate change, biodiversity loss, and habitat destruction.
– Live export of animals has increased to meet global demand, raising concerns about long-distance transport.
– The overview of meat consumption patterns and the impact on wildlife conservation are crucial.
– Reports on plant-based diets and their benefits for the environment are increasingly relevant.

**Food Production and Coloring Practices:**
– Animal products like blood sausage, bone char, and broths are common in food production.
– Ambrosia, arachnids, and animal fats are utilized in various food products.
– Food coloring practices, including the use of insects like cochineal beetles, are highlighted.
– The controversy surrounding the use of insects in food coloring and the implications for consumers are discussed.
– Articles and studies on food labeling, meat processing technology, and Halal food production provide further insights.

Animal product (Wikipedia)

An animal product is any material derived from the body of a non-human animal. Examples are fat, flesh, blood, milk, eggs, and lesser known products, such as isinglass and rennet.

A dish called "Duck, Duck, Duck" because the three parts come from the complex body of the duck: duck eggs, duck confit and roast duck breast
Varieties of goat cheese

Animal by-products, as defined by the USDA, are products harvested or manufactured from livestock other than muscle meat. In the EU, animal by-products (ABPs) are defined somewhat more broadly, as materials from animals that people do not consume. Thus, chicken eggs for human consumption are considered by-products in the US but not France; whereas eggs destined for animal feed are classified as animal by-products in both countries. This does not in itself reflect on the condition, safety, or wholesomeness of the product.

Animal by-products are carcasses and parts of carcasses from slaughterhouses, animal shelters, zoos and veterinarians, and products of animal origin not intended for human consumption, including catering waste. These products may go through a process known as rendering to be made into human and non-human foodstuffs, fats, and other material that can be sold to make commercial products such as cosmetics, paint, cleaners, polishes, glue, soap and ink. The sale of animal by-products allows the meat industry to compete economically with industries selling sources of vegetable protein.

The word animals includes all species in the biological kingdom Animalia, including, for example, tetrapods, arthropods, and mollusks. Generally, products made from fossilized or decomposed animals, such as petroleum formed from the ancient remains of marine animals are not considered animal products. Crops grown in soil fertilized with animal remains are rarely characterized as animal products. Products sourced from humans (ex; hair sold for wigs, donated blood) are not typically classified as animal products even though humans are part of the animal kingdom.

Increased production and consumption over the past 50 years has led to widespread environmental and animal welfare impacts. These range from being linked to 80% of Amazonian deforestation to the welfare implications of using chick culling shredders on live day old-chicks for 7 billion of them each year.

Several popular diet patterns prohibit the inclusion of some categories of animal products and may also limit the conditions of when other animal products may be permitted. This includes but not limited to secular diets; like, vegetarian, pescetarian, and paleolithic diets, as well as religious diets, such as kosher, halal, mahayana, macrobiotic, and sattvic diets. Other diets, such as vegan-vegetarian diets and all its subsets exclude any material of animal origin. Scholarly, the term animal source foods (ASFs) has been used to refer to these animal products and by-products collectively.

In international trade legislation, the terminology products of animal origin (POAO) is used for referring to foods and goods that are derived from animals or have close relation to them.

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