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Economic vegetarianism

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– Economic vegetarians believe in efficient nutrition through vegetables and grains.
– Health vegetarians argue that a vegetarian diet is rich in vitamins and fiber.
– Some adopt vegetarianism due to lifestyle choices or necessity.
– During World War I, Americans initiated Meatless Mondays to save rations.
– Price increases in meat make it hard for low-income households to afford.

– Critics point out that plant-based foods may lack essential nutrients.
– Some critics highlight challenges in cultured meat production.
– The debate around vegetarianism continues to evolve.
Nutrient deficiencies in vegetarian diets are a concern for some.
– Further research is needed to understand the impact of vegetarianism on health.

See also:
– Balanced diet
Environmental vegetarianism
– Simple living
Sustainable diet

– USDA reports on agricultural reform in India.
– Effects of going vegetarian for a day.
– Resources on eating better for less money.
– Historical context of Meatless Mondays.
– Retail prices of ground beef over the years.

An economic vegetarian is a person who practices vegetarianism from either the philosophical viewpoint that the consumption of meat is expensive, part of a conscious simple living strategy or just because of necessity. In the developing world, where large numbers of poor people might not be averse to eating meat, they are regularly forced to not eat it, since meat can often be a luxury.

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