– Gevuina avellana is an evergreen tree up to 20 meters tall.
– Native to southern Chile and adjacent valleys in Argentina.
– Bright green toothed composite leaves.
– Flowers are small, beige to whitish, and bisexual.
– Fruit is a dark red nut turning black.
**Cultivation and Uses:**
– Grows on flatland or hilly terrain in various soil types.
– Seeds are eaten raw, cooked, or toasted.
– Contains 12% protein, 49% oil, and 24% carbohydrates.
– Rich in antioxidants like vitamin E and β-carotene.
– Oil is used in sunscreens, cosmetics, and as a source of omega 7 fatty acids.
**Distribution and Habitat:**
– Found from sea level to 700 meters above sea level.
– Distribution extends from 35° to 44° south latitude.
– Highly irregular concentration in forests.
– Does not form pure stands.
– Can grow in temperate oceanic climates with cool temperatures.
**Cultivation Challenges and Varieties:**
– Production of seeds varies greatly from tree to tree.
– Needs 5 years to first harvest and 7-8 years for full production.
– Squirrels and birds eat seeds in some regions.
– New varieties with greater yield are being developed.
– Only a small fraction of wild nuts are collected for processing.
**Economic and Environmental Impact:**
– Good honey plant for bees and cultivated as an ornamental plant.
– Seed shells are used for tanning leather.
– Frost resistance at least 12°C when mature.
– Wood used in cabinetry and musical instruments.
– Introduced to Great Britain in 1826, also cultivated in Spain and the United States.