– Etymology:
– Term derived from “integumentum” in Latin for a covering
– In English, “integument” is traced back to the early 17th century
– Refers to a material or layer enclosing, clothing, or covering something
– Can mean a cloak or disguise in a figurative sense
– Modern word referring to being clad or coated, like with a skin or husk
– Botanical usage:
– In botany, refers to the covering of an organ
– Commonly refers to an envelope covering the nucellus of the ovule
– Integument may be unitegmic or bitegmic
– Perforated by a pore (micropyle) for pollen tube entry
– May develop into the testa or seed coat
– Zoological usage:
– In zoology, integument comprises connective tissue membranes
– Refers to an animal’s skin and its derivatives
– In arthropods, integument consists of epithelial ectoderm and chitin
– Chitin’s rigidity varies based on chemical composition
– Integumentary system is synonymous with cutaneous
– Derivative terms and sundry usages:
– Include adjectival forms like integumentary and integumental
– Integumented denotes not being bare
– Examples in articles like connective tissue in skeletal muscle
– Illustrative examples in various contexts
– Figurative usage in architecture and medical aspects
– References:
– Brown’s “The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary”
– Marchant’s “Cassells Latin Dictionary”
– Kristensen and Georges’ work on Lepidoptera
– Jackson’s “A Glossary of Botanic Terms”
– Collocott’s “Dictionary of Science and Technology”