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Maple sugar

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– Sources:
Sugar maple, black maple, and red maple are primarily used for maple sugar production due to their high sugar content in sap.
– Red maple has a shorter season than sugar and black maples, affecting the sap’s flavor.
– Other maple species like box elder, silver maple, and bigleaf maple are occasionally used for sap.
– Birch and palm trees can also be sources of similar sugars.
Maple sugar can be produced from various tree species.

– Preparation:
Maple sugar is the solid sugar left after boiling sugar maple sap longer than for syrup or taffy.
– It consists of about 90% sucrose with varying amounts of glucose and fructose.
– Sold as pressed blocks or translucent candy, it requires skill to prevent burning.
– The process involves boiling off most of the water content.
Maple sugar is a concentrated sweetener alternative to cane sugar.

– Regulation for product labeling:
– In Canada, maple sugar falls under regulations that require business identity and country of origin on product labels.
– Canadian regulations also cover other maple products like maple butter and maple taffy.
– The Food and Drugs Act and Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act govern maple sugar labeling.
– Proper identification of maple sugar products is mandatory in Canada.
Maple sugar labeling ensures consumer information and product traceability.

– History:
– First Nations/American Indian peoples historically made maple sugar for its portability and long shelf life.
– The Anishinaabeg refer to maple sugar as “ziinzibaakwad.”
Maple sugar was transported on ships like the Blessing of the Bay in the early 17th century.
Maple syrup and sugar were used during the American Civil War as alternatives to cane sugar.
– Abolitionists like Lucretia Mott distributed maple candies with anti-slavery messages.

– Uses:
Maple sugar is used to flavor various products and as a substitute for cane sugar.
– It has been historically significant for its transportability and longevity.
– Native American techniques for making maple sugar have been demonstrated.
Maple sugar offers a unique flavor profile compared to cane sugar.
Maple sugar has cultural and historical importance in North America.

Maple sugar (Wikipedia)

Maple sugar is a traditional sweetener in Canada and the northeastern United States, prepared from the sap of the maple tree ("maple sap").

Maple sugar
Ziiga'igaans (maple sugar cubes) being made in a ziiga'iganaatig (sugar press-mould)
Place of originCanada and the United States
Main ingredientsSap of the sugar maple tree
Golden sugar maple tree
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