**Extraction and Production of Myrrh**:
– Myrrh is harvested by wounding the tree to bleed the gum.
– The gum coagulates quickly, becoming hard and glossy.
– The gum is yellowish, clear or opaque, darkening with age, and may have white streaks.
– The primary tree species for myrrh harvesting is Commiphora myrrha.
– Liquid myrrh, or stacte, was a valued ingredient in Jewish holy incense.
**Etymology and Historical Significance**:
– The word ‘myrrh’ comes from a Semitic root meaning bitter.
– Myrrh has a history in pre-Hellenic sources, Greek mythology, and ancient texts.
– The Ancient Greek term μῠ́ρον became a general term for perfume.
– Myrrh has roots in Arabic and Aramaic languages.
– In Ancient Egypt, myrrh was used for embalming mummies and in religious rituals.
**Medicinal Properties of Myrrh**:
– Myrrh is used as an antiseptic in mouthwashes, liniments, and salves.
– It is claimed to alleviate indigestion, colds, coughs, and respiratory issues.
– Scientific evidence is required to support its effectiveness for various health conditions.
– Compounds in myrrh may interact with central opioid pathways in the brain.
**Religious and Ritualistic Use**:
– Myrrh was traded overland and by sea in ancient Nabataea.
– In the Hebrew Bible, myrrh was used in anointing oil and consecrated incense.
– In the New Testament, myrrh was a gift to Jesus and used at his crucifixion and burial.
– Myrrh was used in Ancient Egypt and valued in religious practices.
**Miscellaneous Information and References**:
– Various oleo-gum-resins can be confused with myrrh.
– The historical significance of myrrh is documented in various texts and references.
– Myrrh has been studied for its therapeutic efficacy and antiparasitic activities.
– Myrrh is used in traditional medicine and Islamic herbal practices.
Myrrh (/mɜːr/; from an unidentified ancient Semitic language, see § Etymology) is a gum-resin extracted from a few small, thorny tree species of the Commiphora genus, belonging to the Burseraceae family. Myrrh resin has been used throughout history in medicine, perfumery, and incenses. Myrrh mixed with posca or wine was widely used in many ancient cultures to produce pleasurable feelings and as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic.[citation needed]