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Agaricus campestris – Wikipedia

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– Agaricus campestris has a white cap with fine scales, measuring 3-12cm in diameter.
– Its gills start pink and turn dark brown, while the stipe is 3-10cm tall, predominantly white with a thin ring.
– The taste of Agaricus campestris is mild, and its spores measure 5.5-8μm by 4-5μm.

**Similar Species:**
– Agaricus campestris can be confused with deadly Amanita species and poisonous Agaricus species like A. xanthodermus.
– It is similar to edible species like A. arvensis and A. andrewii, but caution is necessary due to toxic white Clitocybe species.
– Historical references to mandrakes also highlight the need for proper identification.

**Distribution and Habitat:**
– Agaricus campestris is found in fields and grassy areas worldwide, commonly in suburban lawns in groups or fairy rings.
– It is rarely found in woodlands but reported in Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and North America.
– The adaptability of this mushroom allows it to thrive in various regions, fruiting in late summer and fall.

– Agaricus campestris is not commercially cultivated due to its short shelf-life but is popular for culinary uses like sautéing, frying, and in salads.
– However, cases of fatal poisoning have occurred due to confusion with toxic species, emphasizing the need for proper identification.
– Edibility uncertainty arises from possible lawn contamination, making caution crucial.

**Other Uses and Bioactive Properties:**
– Research has explored the use of Agaricus campestris in fungal dressings for ulcers and bed sores, with historical applications on scalds and burns noted.
– Bioactive properties include water extracts that enhance insulin secretion and glucose metabolism, with observed insulin-like effects in vitro.

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