– Description:
– Black bean is a large evergreen tree growing up to 40m tall.
– Leaves are 15cm long and 6–7cm broad, pinnate, with 11-15 leaflets.
– Flowers are bicoloured red and yellow, 3–4cm long, produced in racemes 6cm long.
– Fruit is a cylindrical pod 12–20cm long and 4–6cm diameter.
– Interior of the fruit is divided into one to five cells, each containing a large chestnut-like seed.
– Common names:
– Common names include Moreton Bay Chestnut and Bean tree.
– Aboriginal people of certain regions called it Irtalie and Bogum.
– Other Aboriginal names used are baway, yiwurra, junggurraa, mirrayn, ganyjuu, and binyjaalga.
– Uses:
– Castanospermine was isolated from the seeds in 1981.
– Black bean tree was a seasonal gathering point for Aboriginal peoples.
– Bark fiber used for traps, nets, and baskets.
– Empty seed pods used as toy boats.
– Tree used as a seasonal signal for hunting jungle fowl.
– Spread:
– Black bean trees spread by hand into mountain areas on the east coast of Australia.
– All trees in New South Wales are descended from a single seed.
– Plant naturally spreads by water.
– Introduced to India, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, South Africa, and the United States.
– Gallery:
– Features images of Castanospermum australe flower, tree, and mature pod with seeds.