– Every part of the tree is utilized in raw and processed forms.
– Timber and nuts are extensively used.
– Bark is used for medicinal purposes.
– Wood is used for construction and charcoal.
– Nuts are a food source and can be processed into oil and flour.
– Nuts are 50% fat, predominantly oleic acid.
– Flavor is mild, resembling hazelnuts and chestnuts.
– Can be boiled, roasted, fermented, and incorporated into recipes.
– Used in cooking, mixed with meats, and as cooking oil.
– Chimpanzees enjoy the nuts but need tools to crack them.
– Botanic Gardens Conservation International and IUCN SSC Global Tree Specialist Group are sources.
– IUCN Red List provides information on the species.
– The Oxford Companion to Food mentions the nut.
– Various sources provide valuable information on Coula edulis.
– Native to tropical western Africa.
– Grows up to 25-38 meters with a dense crown.
– Leaves are simple, 10-30cm long, with entire margins.
– Flowers are greenish-yellow, blooming from April to June.
– Nuts are ellipsoidal drupes, available from August to January.
– Common names include Gabon nut and African walnut.
– Local names: Anamemila, Apopo, Sida, Bombulu, Dibetou, Mpengwa.
– Dialect names: Akiouhia, Atsan, Bogüe, Howôtou, Ouatou, Séatou/Sratou.
– The tree is known by various names in different regions.
– The name “African walnut” is misleading as it is not related to the walnut.