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Pollination involves transferring pollen from the stamen of one plant to the pistil of another
Pollen donor is the plant the pollen is taken from, while the seed parent receives the pollen
Hand-pollination is done using a cotton swab, small brush, or by shaking flowers
– Some plants have pollen condensed in a mass called the pollinium, like orchids
– A small utensil is used to transfer pollinia in the case of orchids

– Common reasons for hand-pollination include lack of pollinators and control of cross-pollination
Hand-pollination is used to create specific hybrids and in areas with limited natural pollinators
– Specialty crops like date palms use hand-pollination to save space and energy
– Large-scale operations prefer honeybees for pollination efficiency
– Some crops like pears in Hanyuan County, China are hand-pollinated due to specific requirements

See also:
– RoboBee
– Materially Engineered Artificial Pollinators

– McLaughlin, Chris (2010). “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Heirloom Vegetables”
– Rai, Nagendra; Rai, Mathura (2006). “Heterosis breeding in vegetable crops”

External links:
– Method for hand-pollinating zucchini (courgette)
– Retrieved from

Hand-pollination (Wikipedia)

Hand pollination, also known as mechanical pollination is a technique that can be used to pollinate plants when natural or open pollination is either undesirable or insufficient.

Hand-pollination of two gourd blossoms
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