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List of U.S. states and territories by life expectancy

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**State Life Expectancy Rankings**:
– Hawaii: 81.6
– California: 81.2
– New York: 81.2
– Minnesota: 80.6
– Connecticut: 80.6
– Mississippi: 74.5 (lowest)
– Alaska: 78.2 (showing improvement)
– American Samoa: 74.8 (increased)
– Alabama: 75.5 (1940) vs. 74.5 (2019)
– Arizona: 79.3
– Arkansas: 75.9

**Trends in Life Expectancy**:
– Overall U.S. life expectancy: 78.8 in 2019
– Decline in life expectancy in some states
– Increases in Hawaii and California
– Notable decreases in Mississippi and West Virginia
– Maine: Decrease from 79.1 (2010) to 78.7 (2018)

**International Comparison**:
– U.S. life expectancy compared to other major countries
– Comparison with China and Russia
– Comparison with North American countries
– Healthy life expectancy comparison with other nations
– Gender gap in life expectancy calculations

**Specific State Life Expectancy**:
– New Jersey: Hudson (74.6), Kent (80.4), Monmouth (80.6), Ocean (79.1), Morris (82.6)
– Michigan: Kent (85.1)
Oklahoma: Tulsa (77.4)
– Colorado: Arapahoe (81.2), Jefferson (73.4), Adams (78.6)
– Alabama: Jefferson (100)
– Utah: Utah (80.3)
– Rhode Island: Providence (78.5), Anne Arundel (79.1)
– Texas: Montgomery (78.9), Williamson (81.3)
– Florida: Pasco (76.8), Brevard (77.2), Volusia (82.4)
– Pennsylvania: Bucks (79.5), Lancaster (80.5)
– Delaware: New Castle (78.5)
– Massachusetts: Bristol (78.9)

**Historical Life Expectancy Data**:
– Comparison of life expectancy data from 1940 to 2019 for various states and territories
– Notable changes in life expectancy over the years in different regions

This article presents a list of United States states and territories sorted by their life expectancy at birth, sex, race, and in the past. The data in the 2018 column is taken from work funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for the 50 states and the District of Columbia; from the World Bank for Guam, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands; and from the CIA World Factbook for American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands. Data in the 2010 columns comes from Health Data.

Remaining life expectancy is the expected remaining number of years of life as a function of current age. Life expectancy at birth is indicated above the "0" current age.
Life expectancy in the U.S. states in 2019
Life expectancy in the U.S. states in 2020
Alternative visualization of data for 2020
Development of life expectancy in the U.S. according to estimation of the World Bank Group
Life expectancy with calculated gender gap
Life expectancy in the U.S. in comparison to president of the country
Life expectancy in the U.S. according to estimation of the Our World in Data
Life expectancy in the U.S. by race between 1900 and 2019
Life expectancy in the U.S. by race and sex
Life expectancy in the U.S. by race and sex with calculated sex gap
Percentage surviving to certain ages in the U.S. in 2020
Development of life expectancy in the U.S. in comparison to China and Russia
Development of life expectancy in the U.S. in comparison to other big countries of the world
Development of life expectancy in the U.S. in comparison to some other countries of North America
Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy in the U.S. on the background of other countries of the world in 2019
Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy for males and females

Overall, life expectancy at birth in Hawaii, Washington, California, and New York are among the longest in the nation, while life expectancy at birth in Mississippi, American Samoa, and West Virginia are among the shortest in the nation.

The life expectancy in some states has fallen in recent years; for example, Maine's life expectancy in 2010 was 79.1 years, and in 2018 it was 78.7 years. The Washington Post noted in November 2018 that overall life expectancy in the United States was declining although in 2018 life expectancy had a slight increase of 0.1 and bringing it to having not changed since 2010.

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