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Subtopic 1: Schizocarp Characteristics
Schizocarp is a dry fruit that splits into mericarps when mature.
– It can be indehiscent (remaining closed) like in carrots and musk mallow.
– Alternatively, it can be dehiscent (splitting open) like in geraniums.
– Mericarps can contain one or more seeds.
– Some fruits separate into one-seeded segments like loments.

Subtopic 2: Definitions of Schizocarp
Schizocarp can be any dry fruit composed of multiple carpels that separate.
– Mericarps can contain one or more seeds.
– Each mericarp can be indehiscent or dehiscent.
Schizocarp can split into indehiscent segments.
– Examples include Abutilon, Malva, Malvastrum, and Sida.

Subtopic 3: Examples of Schizocarp Plants
– Musk mallow (Malva moschata) has an indehiscent schizocarp.
– Carrots have a schizocarp that splits into two parts.
– Members of the genus Geranium have dehiscent schizocarps.
– Abutilon’s mericarps can be partially dehiscent.
– Umbelliferae plants exhibit indehiscent schizocarps.

Subtopic 4: References on Schizocarp
– Merriam-Webster Dictionary provides information on schizocarps.
– Western New Mexico University Department of Natural Sciences offers insights.
– Bell, A.D.’s book “Plant form” discusses flowering plant morphology.
– Wiktionary contains definitions for schizocarp and mericarp.
– Wikipedia has articles on fruit morphology and plant stubs.

Subtopic 5: Additional Information
Schizocarp splitting into mericarps is a unique fruit characteristic.
– The process of dehiscence in schizocarps is similar to capsules.
– Schizocarps play a role in seed dispersal for various plant species.
– Loments are examples of fruits that separate into one-seeded segments.
– Understanding schizocarps is essential in botanical studies.

Schizocarp (Wikipedia)

A schizocarp /ˈskɪzəkɑːrp/ is a dry fruit that, when mature, splits up into mericarps.

The indehiscent (remaining closed) schizocarps of the parsnip (Pastinaca sativa), like that of the carrot, will split into two parts.
The indehiscent schizocarp of musk mallow (Malva moschata) will later split into segments called mericarps.

There are different definitions:

  • Any dry fruit composed of multiple carpels that separate.
Under this definition the mericarps can contain one or more seeds (the mericarps of Abutilon have two or more seeds) and each mericarp can be either:
  • Indehiscent (remaining closed), such as in the carrot and other Umbelliferae or in members of the genus Malva, or
  • Dehiscent (splitting open to release the seed), for example members of the genus Geranium. This is similar to what happens with a capsule, but with an extra stage. (In Abutilon, the mericarp is sometimes only partially dehiscent and does not release the seed.)
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