**Correct Name in Botany:**
– The correct name is the one botanical name used for a specific taxon.
– Determining correctness involves valid publication and legitimacy.
– Priority is given to the earliest published name.
– Disagreements among taxonomists can result in multiple correct names.
– Correct names have only one correct spelling.
**Example of Correct Name: Adenanthera falcataria:**
– Adenanthera falcataria is a correct name for the fastest growing tree.
– Taxonomic placements may lead to different correct names.
– Correct names can change based on different taxonomic treatments.
– Correct names include Adenanthera falcataria, Albizia falcataria, Paraserianthes falcataria, and Falcataria falcata.
– Different opinions on taxonomy can result in different correct names for the same plant.
**Prokaryotes and Correct Names:**
– The Prokaryotic Code follows the concept of correct names from the ICN.
– Different taxonomists may have varying concepts of a genus, leading to different correct names.
– The List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN) aims for consistency.
– Later combinations may not always be correct due to inconsistencies in concepts.
– The LPSN strives to select correct names based on phylogenomic data.
**Concept of Valid Name in Zoology:**
– The valid name in zoology is the equivalent of the correct name in botany.
– It is the one name used for a specific taxon.
– Valid names must be published according to the rules of the ICN for zoology.
– Disagreements among zoologists can result in multiple valid names for the same taxon.
– Valid names have only one correct spelling, with orthographical variants possible.
**Importance of Consistent Nomenclature:**
– Consistent nomenclature is crucial for clarity and communication in taxonomy.
– The correct name helps avoid confusion and errors in scientific literature.
– Nomenclatural stability is important for tracking evolutionary relationships.
– Consistent naming conventions aid in the organization of biodiversity data.
– Regular updates and revisions help maintain the accuracy of nomenclature.
In botany, the correct name according to the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (ICN) is the one and only botanical name that is to be used for a particular taxon, when that taxon has a particular circumscription, position and rank. Determining whether a name is correct is a complex procedure. The name must be validly published, a process which is defined in no less than 16 Articles of the ICN. It must also be "legitimate", which imposes some further requirements. If there are two or more legitimate names for the same taxon (with the same circumscription, position and rank), then the correct name is the one which has priority, i.e. it was published earliest, although names may be conserved if they have been very widely used. Validly published names other than the correct name are called synonyms. Since taxonomists may disagree as to the circumscription, position or rank of a taxon, there can be more than one correct name for a particular plant. These may also be called synonyms.
The correct name has only one correct spelling, which will generally be the original spelling (although certain limited corrections are allowed). Other spellings are called orthographical variants.
The zoological equivalent of "correct name" is "valid name".