Flaxseeds are a popular superfood that many flock consume as part of their healthy lifestyle, But does flaxseed offer more for you than just being a healthy snack?
There are many benefits to consuming flaxseeds including for your digestive system. so the reason you’re here..
Do flaxseeds make you poop?
Flaxseed can make you poop. Just 1 tbsp of flaxseed can contain 3g of fiber.
Fiber is one of the most important nutrients when it comes to the digestive system and bowel movements.
Soluble and insoluble fiber can regulate one’s bowel movements.
The natural bacteria that exists in the gut will ferment the different fibers, which helps the bowel movements pass more smoothly.
Constipation is a problem that many people will suffer from at one point or another.
There are also some people who struggle with this issue on a regular basis.
Natural solutions like eating flaxseeds can be a great way to relieve this problem.
Is Flaxseed a Laxative?
Flaxseeds do have properties that make them great natural laxatives.
Studies have shown that flaxseeds can be used as laxatives.
In studies completed on guinea pigs, it was shown that not only can flaxseeds help with constipation as a natural laxative, it can also be an effective anti-diarrheal tool as well.
One of the most common reasons why people suffer from constipation is through poor diet, especially a diet that is low in fiber.
Rather than having to take a fiber supplement, which may not be as natural as you’d like or if you are looking for a simpler solution, flaxseeds can be the best option in these cases.
These seeds can be easily added to a variety of dishes to get your fiber without having to remember taking supplements.
What are the Side Effects of Flaxseeds?
Just because flaxseeds are a natural option, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t side effects that you should be aware of before choosing this approach.
Depending on the medications that you take and your health conditions, it is recommended that you speak to a doctor before adding flaxseeds into your routine.
Eating flaxseeds can actually cause gastrointestinal distress. While this can be a great option for most people to resolve constipation, some people may suffer from issues of gastrointestinal distress such as loose stools or an increase in your bowel movements.
If you’re not used to eating a lot of fiber in your diet normally, you could also suffer from such problems as diarrhoea, gas, feeling bloated, and cramping. Eating too much flaxseeds can be especially problematic, causing problems like nausea, constipation, and stomach aches.
There’s also the risk of intestinal blockage.
If you eat too much flaxseed, you can suffer from serious complications like intestinal blockage.
The amount of fiber in the flaxseed meal could create too much bulk, leading to the fluids and food having issues passing through the small intestine and colon. Signs of an intestinal blockage include nausea, vomiting, and pain in your abdomen. You should always be sure to drink plenty of water and do not consume more than 2 tbsp of flaxseed meal at each dosage.
You could end up with drug interactions by consuming flaxseed.
One of the things that flaxseed does to the body is that it makes you digest your food slower.
What this means is that if you take medications, the absorption of these medications can be much slower if you take them with flaxseed.
It is recommended that you take medications several hours before or after consuming flaxseed to avoid this problem.
You should also know that the omega-3 in flaxseed meal can have a negative interaction with any blood-thinning medications. If you have diabetes and takes medication for it or insulin, you should speak to your doctor before you add flaxseed meal to your diet.
It’s also important to know that this can affect hormonal therapies or oral contraceptives as well.
What Else Can Flaxseed Do?
As you can see, flaxseed clearly offers benefits when it comes to your digestive tract. But there are several benefits that you can enjoy thanks to adding flaxseeds to your diet.
These benefits only add to how amazing flaxseeds can be as part of your everyday diet.
Flaxseeds can keep you feeling fuller and more satisfied for a longer period of time.
Since this is a good source of getting protein, you can feel full and satisfied for longer.
Just one tbsp of flaxseed has 2g of protein.
When you consider all of the fiber contained in flaxseeds, you are going to fight off that hunger for longer.
It can help support weight loss. Losing weight isn’t easy, but there are things that you can do that will help including eating flaxseeds.
Not only are you satiated for longer, the fiber is beneficial in other ways as well. The high fiber content can help you to better maintain your blood sugar levels.
The more full you feel, the longer you can stave off hunger and prevent excessive snacking that can hurt your weight loss goals.
Flaxseeds also help promote a healthier heart.
Flaxseeds contain linoleic acid, which can be associated with a reduction in your risk of hypertension as well as a lower systolic blood pressure.
Additionally, it can help reduce cholesterol. People should consume at least 1.1g of linoleic acid, which is more than possible with just 1tbsp of flaxseed meal (which contains double this recommended amount).
Your digestive health can be improved through consuming flaxseeds.
As previously discussed, one way it can help your digestive health is through its properties that aid constipation and as an anti-diarrheal.
But, this can also be healthy for you digestive health because it can promote healthy flora in the gut. The omega-3 fatty acids found in flaxseeds and help protect the lining of your gastrointestinal tract as well as reduce inflammation.
Flaxseeds are a great addition to your diet if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.
Flaxseeds are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, as well as a decent source of protein. These are essential nutrients for women who are pregnant or nursing.
It could help with the constipation that women often suffer from when pregnant, as well as offering omega-3s and protein that are essential to the health of your child.
Lastly, flaxseeds can be a good way to get healthier looking skin.
The omega-3s found in flaxseeds help your skin health by making your skin look smoother and keep it better hydrated.
It can also help with the anti-aging process as it can fight inflammation.
How Do You Prepare Flaxseeds?
Flaxseeds are incredibly versatile. You can make them into homemade protein bars or just add them into your smoothies.
You can find plenty of recipes online that use flaxseed.
How Do You Store Flaxseed?
The storage of flaxseed greatly depends on the type of flaxseeds you have. Flaxseeds and flaxseed meal should be stored in a cool, dark place.
If you have flaxseed meal, you want to use it within a few months otherwise it may not be effective. Flaxseed oil should be refrigerated.
Flaxseeds are a popular superfood for a reason. These tiny seeds pack a giant punch when it comes to nutrition and health benefits.
Living a healthy lifestyle can be complex, but simple things like adding flaxseeds to your diet can have a significant impact.
With flaxseeds, your digestive system gets the support that it needs to be as healthy as possible.
However your digestive health isn’t the only thing that benefits from these little seeds.
I’m Chris Watson & the Founder of EatForLonger.com. I’m a food and wellbeing enthusiast researching and sharing foodstuffs and simple food-based concepts, such as fasting and clean eating.
I hope it inspires you to make tiny changes to what you eat and when you eat while optimizing your healthspan and all-around well-being.
Read more About Me here.