Yes. Like any food, moderation is always better!
Avocados contain a lot of fat and overall calories, which can be detrimental to your health if you eat too much!
Fat is an essential component of the body that provides energy, protects organs, and aids the absorption of certain vitamins into your system.
It’s eating in excess that is the problem.
That being said, you might want to rethink your portions – because there are some side effects that can result from eating a lot of avocados.
Here are some of the problems associated with eating too much avocado.
Stomach Issues
There may be some discomfort for people with certain stomachs who eat avocado.
Bloating or flatulence are common symptoms.
Those who have a sensitive stomach should be careful not to overindulge in avocados!
Avocados may be rich in ‘healthy’ fats, but if you don’t watch your weight, you could gain weight.
This is because avocados contain a lot of calories.
It is possible for some people to even suffer allergic reactions when they consume avocados.
Hives, swollen skin, eczema, and itching are likely symptoms if you have a food allergy.
High Potassium
You do need potassium, but it is important to maintain the right balance of amounts and types.
When you are trying to increase your potassium level, avocados are perfect, but be careful not to eat too many of them too much, since they do contain a lot of potassium!
You don’t have to give up your favorite breakfast of avocado on toast.
Simply watch the number of avos you eat.
Too much fiber
Almost half the recommended daily fiber intake is provided by avocado.
There is no doubt that fiber is extremely important for health, yet most Americans don’t get enough of it, especially if they are not used to eating a high-fiber diet.
The excessive consumption of fiber can be especially dangerous for people dealing with digestive disorders or irritable bowel syndrome.
How Many Avocados Are Too Many A Day?
Eating more than one avocado a day could be considered too many a day.
However, there are other factors like your size and weight, physical health, and the size of the avocado.
Also, if you have food intolerances, you might want to limit your avocado intake.
While an avocado a day can be a healthy addition to any diet, avocados have a high-fat content and calorie levels, so eating avocados in excess might contribute to some weight gain.
Some factors that affect how much avocado you can eat a day include:
Your size – A person’s weight and height will also play a role in how much avocado they should consume.
Food intolerances – If you have any food allergies or intolerances to avocados then you might want to limit your avocado consumption or you may experience symptoms like an upset tummy.
Special diets – Someone on a keto diet might not be able to eat many avocados, as avocados have a high fat and carbohydrate content.
Avocados are high in fat, which makes up a large portion of their calories.
Fat contains nine calories per gram, which is more than twice the amount of calories present in protein and carbohydrates, which contain only four calories per gram.
One avocado contains an astounding 20 – 30 grams of fat.
By comparison, that is greater than the amount of fat contained in a big bag of french fries.
There should be no more than 20% of calories coming from fat in your diet.
There is a certain amount of fat you must consume for good health, but there is also a limit that, if exceeded, can have negative health effects.
Avocados provide between 38% and 68% of a 2,000-calorie diet’s daily needs for adults.
You will exceed the recommended daily intake if you consume more than one avocado a day, in addition to the other fat in your diet.
Avocados typically contain lower amounts of saturated fat than fried foods, but if eaten in excess, an avocado can still lead weight gain.
There are 4 grams of saturated fat in each avocado. Approximately 13 grams of saturated fat per 2,000 calories is the maximum amount recommended by the American Heart Association.
Avocados contain approximately 30% of the daily recommended amount of saturated fat.
You will likely exceed the recommended daily amount of saturated fat if you consume at least two avocados each day as well as other foods containing saturated fat.
Is It Ok To Eat 3 Avocados A Day?
No, it is not ok to eat 3 avocados a day.
A moderately active woman needs about 2,000 calories per day, the same amount found in six avocados.
You would consume half of your daily calories if you eat three avocados.
It is likely that you will exceed your daily calorie intake, even if you limit the other foods you eat.
The failure to limit other foods will result in you exceeding your calorie requirements, causing you to gain weight.
A person gains weight when their calorie intake exceeds their calorie expenditure.
The excess calories you don’t need are turned into fat by your body and stored in your fat cells.
It doesn’t matter whether they’re from french fries or fruit.
The intake of too many calories over time will result in weight gain and obesity, two conditions that can negatively impact health.
People are often unaware of the calories contained in avocados since they are fruits, and that is a grave oversight.
There are 322 calories in one avocado, contributing significantly to the calorie content of a meal, especially when eaten in addition to other fatty foods.
Depending on the other ingredients in your dish, you can consume up to several hundred calories from one avocado sliced onto a sandwich or salad.
Guacamole is no different.
Mindlessly munching on chip after chip of guac could mean that you eat more than one avocado, and that isn’t even counting calories from the chips.
What Happens If You Eat Too Many Avocados?
Eating too many avocados can cause some unpleasant symptoms, even though avocados aren’t toxic or harmful to your health.
If you eat too many avocados, you may gain weight, as avocados are a high-fat, high-calorie fruit.
Whether or not you gain weight also depends on how much fat you consume from other sources.
Keeping avocado intake under one avocado per day can help prevent weight gain.
It is also possible to develop gastrointestinal problems from eating too many avocados.
Avocados contain polyols in addition to their fiber content, which may aid digestion.
Consuming polyols in large quantities may result in bloating, gas, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal discomfort.
Avocados can cause these symptoms in some individuals who are intolerant to polyols.
Similarly, excessive fiber consumption can also cause these symptoms.
Consuming avocados in moderation along with a healthy and balanced diet is the best way to prevent these side effects.
Though avocados are loaded with vitamins, fiber, and healthy fats, they are also very calorie-dense.
An avocado typically contains between 250 and 320 calories, depending on the size.
This corresponds to 10% to 20% of your daily caloric needs.
There is also a substantial amount of fat in avocados, more than twenty grams.
Avocados are a good source of monounsaturated fats, which have been credited with health benefits.
Consuming too much fat can lead to weight gain, and the recommended fat intake per day is between 44 and 77 grams.
I’m Chris Watson & the Founder of I’m a food and wellbeing enthusiast researching and sharing foodstuffs and simple food-based concepts, such as fasting and clean eating.
I hope it inspires you to make tiny changes to what you eat and when you eat while optimizing your healthspan and all-around well-being.
Read more About Me here.