Over 415 million people have diabetes, with this figure set to rise over the next 20 years by 50%.
However, the management and prevention of diabetes, just like other diseases, is strictly related to your diet.
One of the healthiest foods that you could eat for a healthy lifestyle and regulate blood sugar levels includes nuts, but which ones are the best ones to bring down blood sugar?
The best nuts to bring down blood sugar include almonds, walnuts, pistachios, peanuts, and cashews.
They are low in carbohydrates and contain important antioxidants that protect blood vessels from plaque and promote cardiovascular health.
You should eat around 40g of nuts regularly.
If you need to bring down your blood sugar, nuts are a great food to do it with.
Let’s get cracking those nuts to bring down your blood sugar!
Nuts That Lower Blood Sugars
If you are worried about your blood sugar, chances are that your doctor has told you that you either have diabetes, or you have pre-diabetes and need to watch your blood glucose levels.
A balanced diet can help bring your blood sugar down, especially if it is low in carbohydrates.
You also need to minimize the number of processed foods you eat.
But are nuts good for bringing your blood sugar down? They can be, especially if you eat them in moderation.
Let’s take a further look at what nuts bring down blood sugar.
Almonds are among the best types of nuts to include in your diet to regulate blood sugar and improve diabetes.
According to 2011 and 2017 studies, they can positively affect blood sugar and reduce the risk of the most severe consequences of diabetes.
When introduced regularly and in moderation in type 2 diabetes patients’ diet, these nuts have been seen to lower blood sugar and help manage the disease.
The unsaturated fats in almonds can help you lower the levels of “bad” cholesterol, which is often responsible for severe cardiovascular diseases, and can improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of heart disease.
Walnuts are great nuts to manage diabetes, prevent cardiovascular diseases, or lower your blood sugar.
These nuts are high in calories and energy but low in sugar and carbs, which allow them to provide health benefits without an increased risk of gaining body weight or blood sugar accumulation.
Additionally, walnuts can help with hunger management and provide a feeling of fullness for longer, which can reduce the need to snack on other foods that are more unhealthy or higher in sugar.
Pistachios are extremely dense nuts that are packed with energy.
Thanks to the high levels of protein and good fats, they give you a long-lasting sense of fullness.
Additionally, a 2014 study showed how pistachios could help protect the body against cardiovascular diseases.
In just four weeks on a pistachio-enriched diet, participants with type 2 diabetes lowered the levels of bad cholesterol in their blood and reduced their risk of heart disease.
While technically not a nut, peanuts are a must-have food for people who wish to avoid the complications of diabetes and lower their blood sugar levels.
Aside from helping you regulate the way your body processes sugar, peanuts are also an excellent food for weight loss.
They are energy-dense but also rich in protein and fiber.
By including peanuts in your diet, they might decrease the consequences of obesity and reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications.
Cashews are rich in antioxidants and “good” cholesterol, which can help you protect your blood vessels’ health.
Additionally, they are lower in calories and might help you lose extra weight.
Cashew nuts are rich in antioxidants and can lower the levels of “bad” cholesterol, improving blood pressure and circulation.
Why Are Nuts Good To Regulate Blood Sugar?
Nuts are one of the best foods to introduce into your diet if you want to reduce the risk or complications of diabetes.
Here are the benefits that nuts can bring into your life:
- They are low in sugar and carbs. The low sugar and carb content makes them the perfect snack. Instead of opting for higher sugar foods, nuts allow you to manage the amount of blood sugar each time and give your body a chance to prevent accumulation.
- They are packed with antioxidants. Antioxidants fight free radicals and repair the damage that oxidative stress might cause to healthy cells. In turn, this can prevent signs of aging and protect the body’s functions.
- They are low in cholesterol and high in fatty acids. Nuts can lower cholesterol levels and prevent heart diseases such as strokes, thanks to their nutritional composition and Omega-3 content.
Keep in mind that heart disease is one of the most severe consequences of diabetes, and one of the leading causes of death among diabetics.
Nuts promote cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of cardiovascular issues.
What Nuts Give You Energy?
Nuts are the best snacks for extra energy without the downsides of unhealthy foods.
Most nuts are calorie-dense, which means that just a handful of cashews, almonds, or pistachios can get you through several hours without needing more food.
Additionally, there are some nutrients in nuts that can contribute to making you feel satiated longer, including:
- Fiber
- Calcium
- Protein
- Omega-3 fatty acids
- Omega-6 fatty acids
- Compounds such as B vitamins and iron that assist with energy production
Nuts are also rich in antioxidants, which reduce inflammation and make you feel less tired or fatigued. Some of the best nuts to have for energy include:
- Macadamias
- Almonds
- Brazil Nuts
- Walnuts
What Nuts Make You Happy?
Nuts are essential food for brain health, as the benefits include:
- Preserve cognitive abilities and reduce signs of aging thanks to antioxidants
- Calcium content can reduce hormonal imbalances in women
- Alleviates anxiety and depression
- Omega-3 and other antioxidants in nuts can reduce inflammation, making you feel more energized and in a better mood
If you want the best nuts to eat for a mood boost and that could make you feel happier, consider the following ones:
- Almonds
- Pecans
- Walnuts
- Cashews
- Peanuts
What Nuts Are Best for Diabetics?
If you have diabetes, consider introducing a variety of nuts into your diet.
As mentioned already, almonds, walnuts, cashews, and peanuts are the best nuts for people with diabetes because they might help lower blood sugar levels and prevent you from snacking on other high-sugar foods.
These nuts can also lower cholesterol and help you reduce the complications of diabetes such as heart disease.
How Many Nuts Can a Diabetic Eat?
While nuts are highly beneficial to your diet, they are high-calorie foods that need to be eaten in moderation.
Without controlling your intake of nuts, you might experience side effects such as weight gain and obesity.
Try limiting yourself to around ¼ cup of nuts a day (40g or 1.3oz), or add two tablespoons of nut butter into your cereals or smoothie.
If you have diabetes, try to stick to unsalted and unsweetened nuts, so you can reap their benefits while avoiding these added ingredients’ side effects.
What Does Blood Sugar Management Have to Do With Diabetes?
As stated by the American Diabetes Association (ADA), 34.2 million Americans have diabetes, while over 88 million adults have been diagnosed with prediabetic conditions.
Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are strictly connected to how your body processes the sugar you eat from your diet. Diabetes can also cause health complications as severe as heart disease.
Your body does not need sugar for fuel and energy, as it can receive this fuel through complex carbohydrates and protein.
Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, breaks down the food you eat and allows the body to process and use it for fuel properly.
However, in some cases, some people cannot produce insulin, or they produce too little glucose to be processed appropriately.
When that happens, the glucose that cannot be removed from the blood starts to accumulate in the blood vessels.
These conditions are known as type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
While the first one is majorly connected to genes, the second type is greatly influenced by lifestyle and diet choices.
In the long term, and if left unaddressed, these conditions can lead to cardiovascular disease, loss of eyesight, and diminished kidney function.
Luckily, diabetes can be delayed, prevented, and treated through regular exercise, a healthy diet, and a healthy weight.
Understanding what foods can help you keep your blood sugar levels down and help you lose extra weight is necessary to prevent the complications of diabetes.
In the video below, you can find out more about the way your diet influences your blood sugar levels:
Nuts are a great addition to anyone’s diet, especially if you have conditions like diabetes.
They can also lower the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, and improve energy levels due to their nutritional profile.
Nuts are great for regulating blood sugar and keeping it under control.
They are also healthy foods to snack on to help you lose extra weight and improve your cardiovascular and digestive health.
I’m Chris Watson & the Founder of EatForLonger.com. I’m a food and wellbeing enthusiast researching and sharing foodstuffs and simple food-based concepts, such as fasting and clean eating.
I hope it inspires you to make tiny changes to what you eat and when you eat while optimizing your healthspan and all-around well-being.
Read more About Me here.