You can substitute oyster mushrooms for shiitake, portobello, enoki, porcini, morel, or chanterelle mushrooms.
These mushrooms provide a meaty and nutty taste and texture to replace that meaty taste of oyster mushrooms.
If you don’t have oyster mushrooms or don’t love the taste, you can substitute them for other mushrooms.
Oyster mushrooms offer a meaty taste which many, especially those on a plant-based diet, choose to use in a variety of dishes.
Thankfully, other mushrooms can also provide a similar taste and texture.
Shiitake mushrooms are your best substitute for oyster mushrooms.
They come in a range of colors and provide a fantastic flavor.
Portobello mushrooms are a great alternative especially because they have a very meaty taste.
Portobello mushrooms are one of the most popular mushroom types and have a thick texture making them a good substitute for meat or oyster mushrooms.
Portobello mushrooms don’t have a strong smell unlike some other mushroom types, which is good if you want to avoid pungent smells.
Make sure you remove the stem before cooking.
Enoki mushrooms have multiple caps and can be confused for oyster mushrooms.
They’re a great option for cooking as they’re versatile and can be used in dishes like soups and salads.
Porcini mushrooms do have a very strong smell so if you’re not affected by this, they can be a good sub for oyster mushrooms.
They have a very meaty taste and both the fresh and dried versions can be used as substitutes.
Porcini mushrooms don’t shrink when cooked, other mushrooms which mean you don’t have to use a lot, their taste also remains the same when cooked.
Morel mushrooms have a meaty and nutty taste however they are fairly expensive and are only available seasonally.
Chanterelle mushrooms are also on the more expensive side and are not as widely available as some other mushroom types.
Chanterelles have a nutty-like taste and provide that meaty texture.
Which mushrooms are similar to oyster mushrooms?
White, shiitake, chanterelle, and matsutake mushrooms are all similar to oyster mushrooms.
These mushrooms can all be used as substitutes for oyster mushrooms.
White mushrooms are the most similar in taste although they’re not as meaty in texture.
Mushrooms that are mildly-flavored, both wild and harvested, are similar to oyster mushrooms.
Oyster mushrooms lose a lot of their flavor around 12-24 hours after harvesting.
When freshly harvested, they have a fairly sweet scent and flavor but this tends to disappear shortly after being harvested.
Button mushrooms, also known as white mushrooms, are similar in flavor.
Another similar mushroom is the chanterelle mushroom, although these are harder to get your hands on compared to button mushrooms.
Shiitake mushrooms are one of the most popular replacements for oyster mushrooms although they aren’t super similar in taste.
But, if you like the taste of oyster mushrooms, you’re sure to love the taste of shiitake mushrooms.
They tend to be tan to brown in color and their caps can be anywhere from 2-4 inches.
Before cooking you want to clean them thoroughly and remove their stems.
Matsutake mushrooms are fairly rare and can be quite unique in appearance.
Taste-wise, they have quite an earthy flavor and smell spicy and strong.
They are also similar in taste to oyster mushrooms so are a great alternative.
Because they’re fairly strong in flavor already, they don’t need much seasoning, its natural flavor is often strong enough.
Matsutake mushrooms can be used to replace oyster mushrooms in any dish and are a versatile mushroom to work with.
Don’t be too heavy-handed when adding them to your dish, due to its strong flavor although if it suits your taste buds, you can certainly add as much as you like.
Can I use shiitake instead of oyster mushrooms?
Yes, you can use shiitake mushrooms instead of oyster although there is a slight difference in taste.
Shiitake mushrooms are a little stronger, taste-wise and nutritionally shiitake has more nutrients.
Shiitake has more carbs and less protein per 100g, when compared to oyster mushrooms.
Oyster mushrooms exist in a wide range of colors and shapes although their texture is similar to a sea oyster.
Flavor-wise, they’re fairly mild. Whereas shiitake mushrooms are stronger in flavor and have a meatier taste.
The nutritional profiles of the mushrooms have some differences, although they’re fairly similar.
Per 100g, shiitake mushrooms have 8.7% more dietary fiber than oyster mushrooms, 11.11% more magnesium, 2.66% more vitamin B6.
Shiitake mushrooms also have more carbs, whereas oyster mushrooms have more protein.
The protein is only very slight but if you eat a low-carb diet, oyster mushrooms might be your go-to over shiitake mushrooms.
Shiitakes have a meaty and umami flavor to them.
Umami is a Japanese word meaning “pleasant savory taste”, this word is often used to describe foods that are hearty and savory.
The caps of shiitakes can vary in size and when cooked the caps can become soft and meaty in texture, the stems can be quite tough and need to be cooked for quite long to be soft enough to eat comfortably.
When cooking shiitake mushrooms, you want to separate the caps from the stems.
This is because the stems are quite tough and take longer to cook.
If you want to use both the caps and steps in a dish, cook the stems first, and then add the caps.
You can leave the caps whole or slice them, depending on their size.
If you’re using dried shiitake mushrooms, keep in mind that they take longer to cook.
What mushroom is most similar to shiitake?
Oyster, portobello, porcini and crimini mushrooms are all similar enough to shiitake mushrooms to be used as substitutes.
There are some differences in taste, flavor and preparation however they provide a similar texture and taste.
Dried shiitake mushrooms differ in taste so can be used to replace fresh shiitake mushrooms if you want a stronger taste.
Dried shiitake mushrooms are the same as shiitake mushrooms but when dried they can be used instead of fresh ones as taste and aroma-wise they’re different.
If you want a stronger taste, you may want to opt for dried shiitake mushrooms.
Dried shiitake mushrooms also smell much better than fresh ones.
Place them in water to soften them so they can be cut easily.
Rinse in cold water before cooking for around 15-20 minutes.
Portobello mushrooms are similar to shiitake mushrooms and often used as a substitute.
Portobello mushrooms are quite meaty in flavor and texture.
Oyster mushrooms are also fairly similar and can be used as a replacement if you don’t have any shiitakes or prefer the taste of oyster mushrooms.
Oyster mushrooms are fairly mild but have a seafood-like taste, they can be used in most dishes but be careful when preparing as they can take a little longer to cook.
Their texture is very unique and if you want a very meaty texture, oyster mushrooms are a good choice.
Porcini mushrooms are round, soft, and fleshy, making them similar to shiitake mushrooms and a great substitute.
They have a quite nutty and intense flavor, adding an interesting flavor to your dish.
Porcini mushrooms are great in pasta or risotto but ensure that you remove the stems before cooking.
Crimini mushrooms are dark brown and firm and have a unique, delicate texture.
They can be used to bring out the flavors in your meals and are a good substitute for shiitake mushrooms.
I’m Chris Watson & the Founder of I’m a food and wellbeing enthusiast researching and sharing foodstuffs and simple food-based concepts, such as fasting and clean eating.
I hope it inspires you to make tiny changes to what you eat and when you eat while optimizing your healthspan and all-around well-being.
Read more About Me here.